AXIUS Dental Column System, AXIUS Dental Column System, AXIUS Dental Column System,
AXIUS Dental Column System, AXIUS Dental Column System, AXIUS Dental Column System,
AXIUS Dental Column System,
Amazing ergonomics and perfect comfort Every dentist’s space is designed to provide comfort and efficiency. Medical procedures and patient care require complete harmony between the space,...




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Amazing ergonomics and perfect comfort
Every dentist’s space is designed to provide comfort and efficiency. Medical procedures and patient care require complete harmony between the space, equipment, doctor, assistant, and patients.
The ergonomic arrangement of devices allows operatories to function smoothly. LABOMED AXIUS enhances safety, comfort, and efficiency.
Freedom of movement even in small spaces AXIUS provides an easy and efficient arrangement of the mounting microscope, lights, X-ray equipment, camera monitors, and data storage devices all around a central column mounted between the floor and ceiling of the operatory.

Center of Comfort
Pain is what an uncomfortable workspace brings. Doctors need to work long hours in arduous procedures and a poorly organized work space causes physical as well as mental fatigue. With all devices within an easy reach
of the doctor and positioned ergonomically around the patient, AXIUS is a well-engineered center of command and comfort.

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